![]() If solitude is what you are seeking, I recommend the Brooks Range, where the population of ursus horribilis, i.e., grizzly bears, exceeds that of humans. Keep in mind, though, that in that range humans are part of the food chain, and not the top of it, either. The Uinta Wilderness encompasses 457,000 acres of the mountains, and lies east of Salt Lake City, Utah. Parts of it are hugely popular with the residents of Salt Lake, who visit it heavily but mostly on weekends, and mostly within 5 miles of a trailhead. Get further from that from a paved road, and you'll be mostly alone. If you saw the movie Jeremiah Johnson, in which Robert Redford played a mountain man, you've seen some of the Uintas, as it was where much of the movie was filmed. This is Teapot Lake, right behind the Lilly Lake campground on Utah highway 150, which runs from Kamas, Utah, to Evanston, Wyoming. On the left side of the picture, you will find a ring in the water where a fish of some kind had just risen to eat something. The lake is popular with fisherpersons. |
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![]() Rocky Sea Pass rises about 500 feet, and apparently that 500 feet is enough to separate out the casual hikers from the hardcore, as during the time I spent in the upper Rock Creek drainage, I saw no other people. There are lots of lakes in these glacial basins, and following are pictures of some of them. |
![]() Well, that's a good question. On sort of that subject, Henry David Thoreau said in Walden, "I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived." Well, there is that. There is also something elementally satisfying about putting on a pack, in it being everything I need to stay warm, dry, and well-fed for several days in the mountains, and walking off into the woods, going wherever I please, with only the necessity of coming back shortly after having consumed all the food. I don't know that I can explain why that is uniquely satisfying. It may also be that high-altitude hiking feeds my addiction for endorphins. (Endorphins are drugs which your body produces as a result of prolonged physical exertions, which some people claim are as addicting as more artificially-produced drugs.) I note, in addition, that the exercise is very beneficial. I am just now back in Houston as I write this, and find that I have lost 15 pounds. I hope not to find them again, as clearly they were pounds that I did not need. |
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![]() Hiking out toward the trailhead, though, on a Saturday, I saw about 50 people in groups of various sizes on the trailhead side of the pass, some of them on horseback, and many of them pretty obviously headed up toward Naturalist Basin. The Uinta Wilderness, though, is huge, with many trailheads. Most of the wilderness can be visited by hiking no more than 10 or 15 miles from a trailhead, and little of the wilderness is heavily used at all. It's a wonderful place to find peace and quiet. During my stay in the Rock Creek basin, the only manmade sound I heard aside from my own was made by jet aircraft passing way overhead. |